Sunday 22 December 2013

7 Things that a Boy must know!

1. Size matters but only of Heart. Give all space to your girl and she will be the best woman in world for you.

2. Intelligence attracts but madness is appreciated. Girls love passion and madness in everything. They don’t look for logic and wisdom every time.

3. Humor is very important but you must know when to crack a joke. Public leg pulling of your girl might put you in danger.

4. Looks..Looks…and Looks are only in your books. Care and Love is what a girl needs, wants and desires for.

5. There is difference in possession and paramountcy. Your girl gives you possession on her love, not control on her life. Remember this.

6. Stop judging girl by the dress she wears. Trust me her eyes speak more than her dress.

7. Her love for shopping is not more than her love for you. So, don’t think she prefers money over a loving heart.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Happy Boss Day

हौसलों को झुकने न देना
इरादों को मज़बूत रखना
आशाओं को मिटने न देना
हैं साथ हम हर कदम आपके
सपनों को संजोए रखना...
हो कभी मायूस मन
या कोई क्लाइंट बने टेंशन
उस पल में आँखें बंद करना
और जीत का मंत्र याद करना
हैं साथ हम हर कदम आपके
सपनों को संजोए रखना...
हो कभी काम का प्रेशर
या कॉम्पिटिशन बढाए टेम्प्रेचर
आप बस एक आवाज़ करना
हैं साथ हम हर कदम आपके
सपनों को संजोए रखना...

Monday 14 October 2013

Happy Dussehra

Happy Dussehra Everyone! Though I don't consider Ravan as symbol of Evil, Lie, Falsehood or Crime being a Jain but I respect everyone's faith & trust, so here I am wishing one and all on this occasion. 
If you truly want to celebrate this Festival then make sure to go through a self analysis today and try to over come the fears, inabilities, evils, anger, feeling of revenge & ego. That would be giving the true sense to the festival of Dussehra in present context. 
Once again a very Happy Dussehra to everyone!

Thursday 5 September 2013

मैंने यह न जाना था

धरती पर जब जन्म लिया,
मैंने यह न जाना था,
माँ के बिना कोई जीवन है,
मैंने यह न पहचाना था...

पहला शब्द जब बोला था,
मैंने यह न जाना था,
शब्दों का जाल बुनना,
मेरी किस्मत में लिख जाना था...

पहला कदम जब चली थी,
मैंने यह न जाना था,
जीवन चलते रहना है,
रुकना मौत का ठिकाना था...

स्कूल जब पहले दिन गई,
मैंने यह न जाना था,
ज्ञान पाना मकसद नहीं,
उसे व्यवहार में लाना था...

अव्वल जब पहली बार आई,
मैंने यह न जाना था,
जीत के लिए हराना नहीं,
खुद आगे बढ़ जाना था...

नाची जब खुलकर बारिश में,
मैंने यह न जाना था,
सपनों को दबाना नहीं,
उनको पंख लगाना था...

दोस्त जब पहली बनाई थी,
मैंने यह न जाना था,
सिर्फ खुशियाँ बांटना दोस्ती नहीं,
एक-दुसरे के गम पी जाना था...

अब जब कई साल गुज़र गए,
अब मैंने यह जाना है,
अनुभव ही सिखाता है,
जीवन को ही शिक्षक बन जाना था...

आज शिक्षक दिवस पर,
तुम सबको यही बताना है,
हर जो व्यक्ति सफल है,
उसने स्वयं को ही शिक्षक माना है...

Wednesday 14 August 2013

स्वतंत्र देश के बंधक नागरिक

आज स्वतंत्रता दिवस के दिन जब थोडा समय मिला तो मैंने अपनी और आस-पास के लोगों की ज़िन्दगी पर थोडा ध्यान दिया और शायद यहीं गलती हो गयी. अब तक स्वतंत्र होने का जो भ्रम था वो टूट गया. एक समय हुआ करता था जब इंसान खुद के साथ-साथ आने वाली पुश्तों के लिए भी कम लिया करता था और उसके साथ ही सभी दूर-दराज़ के रिश्तों को भी ज़िन्दगी भर साथ लेकर चलता था. पड़ोसियों और अनजाने लोगों से भी एक आत्मीयता का रिश्ता जोड़ लेता था. सुख-दुःख में मदद करने को हर दम तैयार...
...और आज समय है जब पड़ोस के घर में कौन रहता है यह तक नहीं पता होता. खुद का गुज़ारा करना तो मुश्किल है पुश्तों की सोचना तो पूरी तरह व्यर्थ है. रोज़ की भाग-दौड़ भरी ज़िन्दगी में जीवनसाथी को समय दे दें वही बहुत बड़ी बात है रिश्तेदारों या दोस्तों को मिलना तो अत्यंत मुश्किल है. ऐसी ज़िन्दगी को मैं तो बंधक की ज़िन्दगी ही कहूँगी जहाँ दिन-रात कमाने और अपने स्थान को बरक़रार रखने की जद्दोजहद चलती है. न दोस्तों से रूबरू होने की फुर्सत है न घर वालों के साथ बैठने का समय. न शौक पूरे करने की हिम्मत है न नई चीज़ों को सीखने का वक़्त. न पर्याप्त पैसा मिल पाता है और नाही निःस्वार्थ प्यार...
गौर से देखें तो यही पाएंगे कि इन सभी चीज़ों के पीछे उस ही सरकार का हाथ है जिसे चुनकर हमने अपने और अपनी आने वाली पुश्तों के लिए स्वतंत्रता और विकास सुनिश्चित करने की सोची थी. आज सरकार शासन और प्रशासन दोनों में ही पूरी तरह से नाकाम है. भ्रष्टाचार और दादागिरी ने ‘Government’ और ‘Administration’ दोनों को ही खोखला कर दिया है. महंगाई आसमान छू रही है...रूपये का अवमूल्यन हो रहा है...और पूरी सैलरी Taxes और EMI भरने में चली जाती है...
क्या आपको नहीं लगता कि अगर हम आयकर भरते हैं तो हमें हर उत्पाद या सेवा का भोग करते समय टैक्स नहीं लगना चाहिए...? यह तो बड़ी अजीब सी प्रथा है इस देश की कि हमें कमाते वक़्त भी सरकार को पैसे देने पड़ते हैं और खर्च करते वक़्त भी. इस तरह हम सिर्फ सरकार के हम्माल बन कर रह गए हैं जो उनके लिए दिन-रात कमाते हैं और टैक्स चुकाते हैं. हमारे लिए तो हम सिर्फ इतना कमा पाते हैं कि अपनी जीविका चला सकें...और सरकार को प्रति वर्ष अपनी कमाई में से न्यूनतम 50% देने के बाद भी हम किसी तरह के विकास या सुविधा की उम्मीद भी नहीं कर सकते. यह पैसा सिर्फ राजनीतिज्ञों और उनके भाई-बंधुओं की जेबों में जाता है और आज इसही लिए कोई भी छोटे से छोटा नेता भी 1000 करोड़ का असामी अवश्य होता है.

तो अब जब आज हमें राष्ट्रीय अवकाश मिला है, थोडा समय इस बात पर अवश्य चिंतन करें की हमें कैसी सरकार और कैसा शासन चाहिए और कोशिश कर अपनी आने वाली पीढ़ी को उस तरह के संस्कार देने का प्रयास करें ताकि हमारे देश को सिर्फ अच्छे डॉक्टर-इंजिनियर ही नहीं बल्कि अच्छे राजनेता भी मिलें!

Friday 9 August 2013

आत्मा की शुद्धि के लिए तपस्या ज़रूरी

भारत कई धर्मों का देश है परन्तु धर्म जो भी हो, उसके पीछे की भावना एक ही होती है – ‘आत्मा की शुद्धि’. प्राचीन काल से यह आस्था रही है कि त्याग, समर्पण और तपस्या के माध्यम से इंसान ईश्वर के करीब पहुँचता है और उसके जीवन के दुःख-दर्द दूर हो जाते हैं. इस मान्यता को आप हिंदू, मुस्लिम, सिख, ईसाई हर धर्म में समान रूप से देख सकते हैं.
हिंदुओं में उपवास करना तो मुस्लिमों में रोज़े, इसही तरह आस्था और विश्वास की झलक हर त्यौहार में दिखाई देती है. रमज़ान के इस एक महीने के कड़े तप के दौरान मुस्लिम न सिर्फ अल्लाह की इबादत में डूबे होते हैं बल्कि उनकी शरण में जाने के लिए नियमित रूप से नमाज़ पढ़ते हैं और रोज़ा करते हैं. श्रद्धा के इस रूप को देखकर मन को अलौकिक सुकून की प्राप्ति होती है. ईद इसही तपस्या के पूरे होने पर उत्सव के रूप में मनाई जाती है.

मैं सभी रोजदारों को उनकी तपस्या और आत्मअन्वेषण के सफर के सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न होने पर बधाई देना चाहती हूँ और सभी देशवासियों को मेरी ओर से ईद मुबारक!

Wednesday 31 July 2013

An Escape from Extreme

From passion to possession

We experience extreme,

From mother's warmth to soulmate's love

We feel extreme,

From education to profession

We face extreme,

From strangers to friendship

We create extreme,

From summers to winters

We enjoy extreme,

From deserts to glaciers

We cherish extreme,

From nature to architecture

We love extreme,

From childhood to oldage

We live extreme…

Is there any escape to it?

We have always heard that extreme is never good in anything and everything but escape from extreme is really not possible. I find extreme in everything, do you find the same?

Sunday 21 July 2013

Pilgrimage - A Journey from World to Oneself!

Recently I went for a Teerth Yatra at Bawangaja ji, Jain Pilgrimage near Badwani. There for the first time I met myself. Have you ever noticed that all the pilgrimage places are at distant places where humans have to make real efforts for having darshan. Either we talk about Amaranth, Badrinath, Kedarnath, Shikharji, Girnarji, Maangi-Tungi, Palitana or Bawangajaji, every teerth is really difficult to complete. It is just a strong will power that makes people strong enough to complete the yatra.

During Bawangaja ji yatra, when I was climbing the hill, I could hear my heartbeat loud enough. I think that's the first time I heard my heart this loud. In the way to reach pinnacle, I was remembering each and every person and the moments that touched my heart, a feeling that I will never forget, a desire that is yet incomplete & a dream that I want to fulfill before I die.

Truly, for me Pilgrimage is 'A Journey from World to Oneself'. What's your say on this?

Friday 12 July 2013

Does your boyfriend deserve you?

Hey Dear!
You might have never asked this question to yourself and might be you are completely devoted in a relationship. But if you want to carry your relationship to the next level don’t skip this question. Ask this question to yourself. It might help you in saving yourself from the future guilt and a forced relationship. And if you really trust your relationship then get confident after taking a small test and analyzing the strength of your bond. Here I am suggesting you few questions which you must ask yourself to know the right answer of the above question –
·         Is he caring enough to keep you happy always?
·         Does he know the art of making you smile even when you are crying?
·         Is he keen to make all your dreams come true or to give you the life you want?
·         What’s your number in his priority list?
·         Is he ready to be committed with you emotionally, mentally, physically and socially?
Just ask these five questions and don’t cheat yourself. Be truthful while answering the questions to know the correct answer of ‘Does your boyfriend deserve you?’

I wish you all the best for the test and may you get the best man who actually deserves you! Have a great life!

Monday 1 July 2013

Doctors’ Day or Money Makers’ Day

Today is Doctors' Day and everyone must be thanking their doctors for keeping them healthy and curing their diseases. But all I would like to say is 'Wake up and See the Reality'.
What Doctors' are doing is just their job, the way you are doing yours. In fact they are exactly like fake pundits who generate fear of god, death or misfortune (some big disease) and send us to different temples for some 'Totkas' (pathologies for Tests).  It is nothing but the chain of money makers who suggest one after other to keep the profit flow consistent in their pockets. This profession is no more a noble profession and doctors do not deserve respect for what they are doing, especially in India.
Being a daughter of pharmacist I have always been close to doctor fraternity and know all their fake practices & money making schemes. They not only threaten the patients but also pharmacists and medical representatives and take handsome commissions (or rather bribes). Specialist Doctors take jaanlewa fees for surgery & also on their every visit to patient's ward and jhola chhaap doctors give jaanlewa medicines that are higher dose to give temporary relief in any disease or infection. These days going to doctor is not saving life, it is almost risking a life and pocket too. Gone are the days when doctors had kind heart and respectful image. It is not just the fault of doctors; it is the fault of system. Becoming doctor is not easy at all; one has to invest atleast 10years of his life in studying and lakhs of money. With the burden of this heavy investment one has to earn back the returns and it is possible with these immoral practices only. This issue was raised in Satyamev Jayate also but got forgotten in a day or so.
So today on the occasion of National Doctors' Day, I request the government to bring a change in the system for a healthy nation. And please all of you just take doctors as professionals and not as god on earth. Though all doctors are not the same, there are exceptions too but you please try to have awareness about the general diseases and medicines, to cross check the treatment given by doctor.
Happy Doctors' Day to the kind doctors who are still existing somewhere.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Journey of a Feeling called 'Love'!

Born with the feeling of ‘Care’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Walked with the feeling of ‘Trust’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Played with the feeling of ‘Enthusiasm’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Learned with the feeling of ‘Curiosity’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Entrusted in friendship with the feeling of ‘Belief’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Grew up with the feeling of ‘Zeal’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Explored the career with the feeling of ‘Passion’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Created the special bond with the feeling of ‘Affection’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Enjoyed the feeling of being ‘Loved’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Loved with the feeling of ‘Possessiveness’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Dreamt with the feeling of ‘Hope’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Worked with the feeling of ‘Excitement’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Gave birth with the feeling of ‘Motherhood’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Cared with the feeling of ‘Dedication’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Expected with the feeling of ‘Desire’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Lived with the feeling of ‘Determination’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Now want to end up with the feeling of ‘Freedom’
To live ‘Love’ in it…

‘Love’ is not just one feeling…it is a different feeling in different situations at different stages in life. For a contented & lovable life, all you have to do is to respect this feeling in all the forms. Have a great, satisfied and lovable life!

Saturday 22 June 2013


They don’t speak

But express loads of emotions,

They don’t hypnotize

But produce a magic of love,

They don’t paint

But colour the fancies,

They don’t shine

But create a twinkle in eyes,

They don’t remain afresh

But they refresh every time,

They don’t cheer

But spread smiles on faces,

They don’t sense

But generate an aroma,

They don’t worth much

But the happiness they pay is precious...

Monday 17 June 2013

Changing Lifestyle!

People say lifestyle is changing, habits are altering, trends are revolutionizing and minds are transforming but from last 8years I am living a same life. Though I changed the companies twice in this duration but nothing actually changed. And in fact, earlier I was in an offline agency & now I am in a digital advertising agency still I would say nothing has changed at all. Every day I get up early in the morning, then workout, get ready and rush to office and then, a whole day work on different clients with different people, resolving many issues, singing & dancing in between, sharing jokes on chats, checking facebook updates & tweets or gossiping. Finally get back to home all tired not physically but mentally. Whole day is spent with so many people that finally at the end of the day, all energy to talk gets vanished. And I end up with my own company & a novel or sometimes as a dumb sit on a couch in front of TV. This is the same routine I am following.

Although I am in an ad agency and I don't do a routine job, everyday is a new challenge but now challenge is a routine to me. From last eight years I am following the same routine and I think every person in same field of job lives this kind of life. Lifestyle is not about using new technology, buying hi-tech accessories or shifting to hi-class brands from the local ones. For me lifestyle is all about routine and it is still the same for me and every professional. Even now I am spending the same amount of time with my family & friends. Having same time for myself. Do you think life has changed for you?

I really think that government has raised prices of everything so much that, we all have become machine in the urge to earn more and more to satisfy our needs. And thus, our life is more or less robotic. 12 hours of working, 6 hours of relax, 2 hours of recharging & 4 hours of rush for various other routine tasks.

At one point of time everyone's life becomes like this and this is the time when we need change. In my life I am waiting for my life-partner's stunning entry, as I know only he can give me that refreshed feeling which all other relations have failed to provide. Only relations can bring change in lifestyle not gadgets, clothing, accessories, look & brands. That change could be presence of parents in a hostler's life, charismatic entry of a life-partner, having a new friendship or blissful birth of a child. It can be any relation, new or old but it is a relation for sure which brings change in life.

If you agree, then give a thought & explore which is the relation that can bring change in your life at this point of time. Don't forget to share it with me!

Saturday 1 June 2013

Obsession for Possession


Though this is my first blog but not the first one...I have been writing blogs since a year but for the clients. So this time I am really happy to share my views with my name on my own platform. It's the same feeling which we have in our own home with our own family.

Being a girl, I have to leave my house one day or the other and this feeling really scares me to the hell. I always feel that boys have lots of advantage in Indian society, they get their father's house, they never have to leave their family and moreover, their surname (identity) remains same throughout life. But even after struggling for a lifetime girl can never have her own home, she cannot live with her own family and for getting married she has to leave her surname (her identity) too...

You must be thinking that constitution gives equal right to a girl & a boy child on father's property but have you ever thought that it's the right on property not house, I mean after marriage or a certain years of age girl is never treated as a family member. She is always an outsider. Moreover, her husband's house can never be her own house. It will always be her husband's and in-laws' house and even after accepting culture, family & lifestyle, that bond remains different.

I don't know how many of you can relate with my feeling & emotion but I think it's the hidden feeling in every girl's heart. I am relating my topmost fear (of losing my own Home, Family & Identity) with my first blog as it's the only place which I possess. Feeling of 'Possession' is something that has always fascinated mankind. In Hindi we say 'Jar, Joru & Zameen are the only reason behind every fight' but I always say 'Obsession for Possession is the only reason behind every fight'. So here my Obsession for Possession is getting satisfied and hopefully, I will get my audience too with the coming blogs.

Stay connected to read the best imagistic, lovistic & emotionalistic blogs!