Sunday 22 December 2013

7 Things that a Boy must know!

1. Size matters but only of Heart. Give all space to your girl and she will be the best woman in world for you.

2. Intelligence attracts but madness is appreciated. Girls love passion and madness in everything. They don’t look for logic and wisdom every time.

3. Humor is very important but you must know when to crack a joke. Public leg pulling of your girl might put you in danger.

4. Looks..Looks…and Looks are only in your books. Care and Love is what a girl needs, wants and desires for.

5. There is difference in possession and paramountcy. Your girl gives you possession on her love, not control on her life. Remember this.

6. Stop judging girl by the dress she wears. Trust me her eyes speak more than her dress.

7. Her love for shopping is not more than her love for you. So, don’t think she prefers money over a loving heart.