Wednesday 26 June 2013

Journey of a Feeling called 'Love'!

Born with the feeling of ‘Care’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Walked with the feeling of ‘Trust’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Played with the feeling of ‘Enthusiasm’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Learned with the feeling of ‘Curiosity’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Entrusted in friendship with the feeling of ‘Belief’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Grew up with the feeling of ‘Zeal’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Explored the career with the feeling of ‘Passion’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Created the special bond with the feeling of ‘Affection’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Enjoyed the feeling of being ‘Loved’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Loved with the feeling of ‘Possessiveness’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Dreamt with the feeling of ‘Hope’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Worked with the feeling of ‘Excitement’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Gave birth with the feeling of ‘Motherhood’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Cared with the feeling of ‘Dedication’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Expected with the feeling of ‘Desire’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Lived with the feeling of ‘Determination’
And I found ‘Love’ in it,
Now want to end up with the feeling of ‘Freedom’
To live ‘Love’ in it…

‘Love’ is not just one feeling…it is a different feeling in different situations at different stages in life. For a contented & lovable life, all you have to do is to respect this feeling in all the forms. Have a great, satisfied and lovable life!


  1. And finally I am feeling loved and hence I found 'Love' in this post.. lovely dear :)

    1. Thanks for the appreciation dear! You are the first one to comment as always! :)

  2. When i was reading the post i found love in it and love in me and the love in you !


  3. Got a Smile with the feeling of reading and i found Love in it :) Really good. Keep it up :)
